Movie Title : LACED
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Reviews For LACED
02-05-2022“Pretty fuckin' good, right? There’s art and some mystery, a little bit of social experimentation and art and science and stuff like that, like… and it’s pretty awesome.”
Best Ghost Video
27-06-2022Zoinks! It's creepy-kooky ghoul-punk melodrama in the haunted crackshack of forever. It's a story that's eating itself, a rabbit hole that's way bigger on the inside than from how it appears on the out. There are not exactly any right or wrong answers here- connections are what you make of them. A grim portrait of dysfunction and codependency being painted inside a tragic and tangled web of deja-voodoo. People aren't statistics, but we're all ghosts- just not yet. And some are ghostlier than others, and some are ghastlier than others... oddball character-driven melodrama rolled up into strange, totally demented sitcom- set in a cold & lonely painted world w/ ya beautiful, problematic besties.