Why Laser Surgery for Piles Is Recommended by Doctors

Options for First Line Piles Treatment

The first line of piles treatment is:
• High Fibre Diet
• Warm Sit-in Baths
• Cold Packs
• Over the Counter Products

The best remedial solution for this ailment is incorporating a diet that is rich in fibre and avoidance of processed foods. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables should be included in large measures in the diet so as to reduce the incidence of constipation. A fibre supplement based on the doctor’s recommendation can also be resorted to. Drinking plenty of water is a must; water intake has to be minimum seven to eight glasses per day. Warm sit-in baths can help to soothe the itching and pain besides reducing the swelling in the affected area. Gently pushing a bit of petroleum jelly into the anus also helps. Use of a cold pack over the sore area to reduce the swelling can be another option to try out. Certain over-the-counter ointments or creams for treating haemorrhoid symptoms can be used but only after consulting the relevant doctor.

Medical Procedures- Laser Surgery for Piles

If the above treatment options do not work then the doctor may perform medical procedure to remove or shrink the haemorrhoid. There are several options in this line of piles treatment. Use of injection, rubber band ligation, laser haemorrhoid surgery or the conventional surgery mode are some of them. Among all of these, laser surgery for piles works best provided the patient’s symptoms fall under pre-determined conditions. Infrared coagulation as it is known by is a minimally invasive medical procedure to treat piles and offers a number of advantages to the patient.

Benefits of Laser Haemorrhoid Surgery

• Minimum pain is endured by the patient
• Discharge is obtained by the patient on the same day and hence no hospitalisation is needed.
• The procedure is safer than conventional surgery.
• Minimal bleeding guaranteed as the laser seals off the anal blood vessels.
• Occurrence of other medical complications is avoided.
• Options of using the laser beam effectively are many and this enhances the success of the surgery.
• Makes the doctor’s task easier and also speeds the healing of the wound.

Use of general anaesthesia is not needed for laser surgery and this hastens the recovery of the patient. Therefore, if the patient’s symptoms fulfil the required conditions then he or she prefers to opt for this mode of treatment.


With so many options open for treating piles it can be quite confusing to decide which should be adopted. At such times, your doctor is the best person to advise you on the suitable line of treatment as he checks out the symptoms and physical condition. However, if medical procedure is suggested then laser surgery for piles should be considered as it is an effective and safer option.